Apps by default trust the pre-installed system Certificate Authorities (CA), but if someone wants to configure custom CAs in order to use self-signed certificates or certificates...

What is Strict mode As we know it’s not safe to perform a heavy operation on the main thread it will be a bad user experience and sometimes show ANR also To prevent such...
Overview: ng-container and ng-template, both are angular elements which will work like containers with HTML elements, but with different purpose/use cases Lets see...
Summary: As more and more companies use automation suites in an effort to meet 100% coverage for better and effective testing, a common concern that every team has is...
Although the term "status page" may sound novel, the fundamental idea of informing users of the systems' status is not To explain in simple terms, the status page is like a...
AWS STS is a web service which stands for Security Token Service and it enables you to request temporary credentials for the AWS users Using this, we can provide trusted users...
Maven: Maven is an open-source build tool that was developed by Apache Software Foundation Why do we use it in all automation frameworks If we create just a normal...
There are multiple ways of installing an application on devices like downloading from Play Store, Using ADB to install apk files, etc But for Zebra devices there is an unique way...
Capture dumpstate logs on the Samsung devices: An issue or bug in software can cause the system to fail or behave in an unintended way Whenever a critical issue is...
Introduction Zero Trust is a cyber security approach where all the users of an organization, internal and external are verified for security configurations before being...