AsyncTask is used to perform time talking operations in android, but it’s marked as deprecated from android 11 There are many alternatives are available for replacing...

Digital signature are in many ways analogous to physical signatures Digital signature provide a way to authenticate documents and other types of data like images, emails or other...
Overview When you write code with unit testing, then the time spent for a developer to resolve bugs will be small It will give a developer more confidence about his/her work...
From the very beginning of my career as a software test engineer, I have always been hearing the buzz around automation All this has encouraged me to try my hands on this...
For Android versions that are below Android 10, accessing the External Storage of your device is pretty straightforward The method EnvironmentgetExternalStorageDirectory() would...
Overview Users don't want an app that uses a lot of their energy life because their mobile devices have limited battery life As a result, testers must keep an eye on the app's...
What Is an Enum A variable can be an enum type, which is a specific data type that allows it to be a set of specified constants Enums in Java can be thought of as classes...
The Battery Historian feature shows how a device's battery consumption has changed over time The programme visualizes power-related events from the system logs in an HTML...
In a project with multiple classes, if a class (Class X) is dependent on another class (Class Y), then Class Y is a dependency on Class X To access Class Y in Class X, it...