In situations when you want to access public computers such as Cybercafe or other workplaces which are not your daily computer access places as home or office. This is a good option to adopt as a web browser using incognito mode.
Incognito mode allows users to search options the same as a web browser but the scene behind incognito mode is, it will only persist your search information till you use that browser window after closing it. Any other user can not get any information of the last search or history data.
There are many web browsers available to use it as incognito mode, some of those are mentioned below.
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge
Benefits of using incognito mode in web browser :
Compared to a regular web browser search, accessing incognito mode, It will not store users login, session and cookies information. any new or next user can not be able to see or check the last users activity. Also users can perform multiple logins in incognito mode.