Unix is a multi-user operating system that can handle numerous users' activities at the same time The development of Unix was near 1969 at AT&T Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and...

Cloud Security What is Cloud Security Cloud security is also known as cloud computing security, which refers to the method of securing cloud computing environments,...
In previous blogs we created a portfolio site for free using different providers, in this, I am going to explain what is SSL certificate is, why we use it and how we can it to...
Hello Seekers! In this blog, We will get an overview of PASETO - a secured alternative for JWT and how it solves the security issues of the widely used token based...
Hello Seekers! In this blog, I will take you through the procedure of compressing files into a zip from Amazon S3 without memory or disk usage Interesting Hop in then Amazon...
Hello seekers! Hope you are having a great day In this blog, let me explain how to effectively extract gzip data using Javascript What is a Gzip file Gzip is a file format...
Hello Guys! In this blog I have tried to explain how we can deploy an MQTT broker to Kubernetes cluster To begin with this we need a Kubernetes cluster setup prior What is...
When you want to run BigQuery queries on a recurring basis, BigQuery provides an amazing feature called Schedule Queries Schedule queries can include data definition language...
Hi everyone!! In kubernetes, Horizontal pod autoscaling(HPA) is mostly done either based on CPU or memory But, in some cases, we’d like to scale the pods based on custom...
Hello!Have you worked with S3 If you have, you know that we can't get more than 1000 objects in a response from S3 So, the next question is, what do we do if we have more objects...