Following is a C# code snippet to delete a path (file or directory) First we have to determine whether the path is a file or a folder and then call appropriate Delete methods In...

Digital Trust
Digital Trust
Trust is a fundamental requirement in all interactions, and with the current digital advancements, it’s
The ROI of UEM: How Endpoint Management Improves Business Efficiency
The ROI of UEM: How Endpoint Management Improves Business Efficiency
In the evolving landscape of information technology, businesses are constantly seeking ways to streamline
Indoor Location Tracking
Indoor Location Tracking
Introduction Indoor device tracking and location services have become increasingly important for organizations
Here is the C# code to soft reset a Windows Mobile device (using P/Invoke) [DllImport("coredlldll", SetLastError = true)] static extern int SetSystemPowerState(string...
Control + Alt + Delete is a powerful key combination to terminate a running program/task or restart a computer/Windows device Blocking this key combination becomes...
Specify the namespace for doing P/Invoke stuff ie calling Win32 API functions from managed code using SystemRuntimeInteropServices; GetWindowThreadProcessId Win32...