Monitoring the CPU and Memory utilisation of the windows servers is one of the important parameters to determine the application performance With the help of the tools available...

View is a technique to create a virtual copy of a table by querying it The technique is beneficial when we repeatedly need the latest data from the original table We will...
For a good user experience, website speed is essential and hence the load time for each page on your site should be monitored Website speed encompasses the following...
Hi Folks! In this blog, we will learn how to whitelist URL in Linux Why do we need a whitelist url The Velocity server allows administrators to regulate the...
Data is extracted from the BigQuery with the help of some SQL queries and provides the result in some temporary table BigQuery temporary table can cache the query results, name...
Deleting a Single Directory with Directory Name matching a pattern Resource : https://stackoverflowcom/a/35635432 As per the given resource the below solution...
Packages to be installed sbuild - sbuild is a convenience wrapper script of schroot to build binary packages easily under specified chroot sbuild is used on the official build...
Hi Folks! In this blog, we will discuss the comparison of Kafka, RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ Comparison: Kafka: Because of its partitions, Kafka Provides message ordering...
The problem statement is when we want to load specific JavaScript on the loaded webpage within WebView in any Android Application There are two ways to achieve the results...
Recently, we found an interesting bug while working with one of our partners The issue was that even though our application and the libraries needed for our application were not...