More often than not when developing a custom browser in android, we face many hurdles at the time of downloading the files On this blog we will look into 2 major things that...

We usually see every QA engineer executing many test cases for regression testing manually during the sprint cycle And during this time we tend to forget (or sometimes neglect)...
How much testing is enough testing for mobile applications, especially Android, is a question which is often difficult to answer A good mobile app testing strategy is as...
Managed app configuration is a feature that gives IT admins the flexibility to remotely configure for work apps for different android users previously known as application...
What is S3 on AWS Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and...
As we have already seen in the previous blog "Various operations on S3 Bucket using NET core" all the prerequisites required to get started with Listing of S3 Buckets using ASP...
Let's see how to list objects ie files and folders of S3 Bucket using ASP NET Core, we have seen how to List the Buckets in Amazon S3 using ASP NET Core in Part-2 Note: Files...
In this blog, we will see how to delete an object in S3 using ASP NET Core For this, we need to have some objects in S3 bucket Adding objects to S3 is explained in the previous...
Hello folks, in this blog we will learn about chaos engineering and testing Traditional and Agile Testing Software testing methods have been in use since the word software...
Why WAFApart from already deployed firewalls, WAF provides an extra layer of security It defends our web applications & APIs from common web attacks/exploits and bots like...